Choosing the right bathtub is an important part of your bathroom renovation. Here’s a quick guide to help you make the best decision:
Match Your Bathroom Style: Think about the overall look of your bathroom. Whether you’re going for a modern, minimalist feel or a more traditional design, your bathtub should complement the existing style. Consider the shape, size, and finish that will blend seamlessly with your bathroom’s decor.
Measure Your Space: Before buying, make sure the bathtub fits the space available. Measure carefully to ensure it aligns with your bathroom’s layout and plumbing. This will save you from potential issues later on.
Size Matters: Choose a bathtub that suits both your space and your needs. Make sure it’s large enough for comfort, but not so big that it overwhelms the room. A bathtub that fits well will look better and function more efficiently.
Opt for Quality Materials: When selecting a bathtub, focus on materials that offer both durability and style. High-quality materials will not only last longer but will also maintain their appearance over time.
Freestanding or Back-to-Wall?: Consider whether a freestanding or back-to-wall bathtub works best for your space. Freestanding tubs create a bold statement and can be the focal point of your bathroom, while back-to-wall tubs are great for saving space and providing a more streamlined look.

Bath or Shower?: Ask yourself if your bathtub will also be used as a shower. If so, you’ll want to invest in a bath screen and shower fixtures for added functionality.
Single Ended or Double Ended?: Consider whether you want a single-ended or double-ended bathtub. A single-ended tub has all the fixtures at one end, while a double-ended tub provides a more symmetrical design, allowing you to relax in the middle of the bath.
By keeping these factors in mind, you’ll be able to choose a bathtub that looks great and works well in your bathroom.